
Bridesmaid Dress Makeover!

Most ladies have been blessed with fulfilling the wonderful duties of being a bridesmaid at least once in there life. Well I've been blessed with a lot of really amazing girlfriends and I've been a bridesmaid 4 times... 6 if you count the two weddings I'm in this year! There are many great things that come with being a bridesmaid... Helping plan, experiencing a really loving and emotional time for your good friend, and last but not least... wearing a bridesmaid dress!
Now don't get me wrong.. they're beautiful! Every wedding that I've had the privilege to be in ...the bridesmaids dress was beautiful.  But let's be honest... most bridesmaids will not wear there dress ever again!
So, while I was rummaging around in the my closet last night.. brainstorming on what outfits I could reinvent & I came up with this...

Here's a pic of me in the dress before I gave it a snipping to

Then... here's what I made it into! I matched it with a black lace top I already had & some red lips.

All I did was cut the top part of the dress off & added a high-waisted belt to hold my newly invented skirt in place! I'll have to be careful about the zipper cause I cut through it but it's pretty snug around my waist.
Pretty easy huh! I'm sure that some of you out there have an old BM dress that you wouldn't mind dusting off and getting some use out of! Most BM dresses are pretty pricey so it's nice to get some extra use out of it if you can!

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