
DIY easy NYE party hats

Normally every morning I go to the grocery store and get a coffee and a muffin.. This morning there was a nice little kiosk of goodies for me to peak at while standing at the check out line (grocery store have some good marketing ideas don't they??) I saw these cute little "Happy New Year" tiaras that I had to buy... Now I know if I told any of the guys that are going to be in our group tomorrow night that they would be wearing tiaras they would laugh... So were going to call them.. hats lol That's a little more masculine right?!?! :)
These hats were a steal of a deal! Only $1 each :) Anyone who knows me ... knows I LOVE the dollar store lol I know It's not something I should be proud of but ... I've made some really cute stuff with dollar store item lol
I got 4 black ones for the gents & 3 pink ones for the girls... & since I'm wearing white tomorrow I got myself a white hat ;)
Ok.. so here's what I used to make this fun little thing...
*8 hats
*4 pink peacock feather (these were left overs from a party I threw)
*hot glue gun

Get all your supplies ready

Dab a bit of the glue from your hot glue gun on the back of the hat then place the feather in the glue...

Awww look at my little materpieces... Let the glue dry! DO NOT try these on till there 110% dry!
Waaaah Lahhh! Pretty little NYE hats

Happy New Year! Be safe!

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