
Inspire me

I've been looking online for hair and makeup ideas for my upcoming photo shoot this weekend & thought I would share some of the ideas that I've been coming up with. I really love hair and makeup that is easy to do. I mean of course I can do a little better than a ponytail for a date night but not everyone has an hour to sit in front of the mirror to play dress up! So, since this shoot is going to be clothes that I would wear on a normal day... I wanted the hair & makeup to match the styles of clothes I will be wearing. Easy and realistic!
Here are my hair favs so far

"Top Knot" This has to be one of the easiest hairdo's & also looks ultra stylish

Soft Curls w/ waved bangs
This is a hairstyle I normally wear 2-3 times a week

Don't get this confused with the Snookie Poof!
This style is great for someone with shorter hair.
I'll probably do this with a messy bun in the back (I love messy buns)

You can almost roll outta bed with this look!
I love the sexy parted down the middle hairstyle

Makeup Ideas

Smokey Eye w/ a pink lip


I like how this looks so simple to replicate.
 A little blush, lip gloss and some golden brown eyeshadow! I can do that! 
Keep checking back to see these ideas put into play. I cant wait to see how everything turns out! Now.... Time to get my outfit ideas together!



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