
DIY Fringe Curtains

I got the idea to snazz up the curtains I had in my dressing room about two weeks back when I was at Joann's looking at a window treatment book. There was a picture of this ahhhmazing house that had the most fab curtains! I'm sure the person who had this astonishing home didn't make the curtains on there own and knowing me... no DIY challenge is too small or large! So, I took a peek at the window add-ons that Joann's had to offer me! I ended up choosing between this fringe that has... & excuse my french.. bigger balls or another fringe that was more like your normal dangling fringe. I thought... let's go with the large balls lol! (sorry Mom if your reading this!)

So all your going to need is the following:
Curtains of your liking (I got mine at Target for $10 per panel)
Fringe or whatever window accessory you can ponder up
Some pins (to pin the fringe to the curtain)
Sewing needle and thread

Make sure you have a decent size space to work with. I used my ironing board :)

Start pinning the fringe to the outside of the curtain

Keep pinning, you're going to pin the fringe all the way down the side of the curtain.
Once you've pinned the fringe in place.. plop on the sofa and start sewing away!

This entire project only took me about 45 minutes (10 of it was me standing back admiring my work)

Good luck! If you have any questions shoot me an email!


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