
Dressing Table

So me and my husband literally made this table from scratch! I don't know where I got the idea to do this but I'm sooo glad that I did! I think what inspired me was a picture frame that I bought. It was all vintage-y and I loved that it went with the theme of my dressing room. I thought it would look really cool as a top to a table & I loved that the table would have a ledge so my stuff wouldn't roll off of it.
When I got about 50% done with my dressing room and I was doing some goggling for dressing room tables ... I wasn't coming up with anything :( So a light bulb went off and & I thought "why don't I custom make my own table" DUUUUUH! I went to Home Depot (one of fav places!) , brought my picture frame that gave me inspiration, sketched up a picture of what I was planning to build and showed it to the guy at Home Depot. Psssh! Not even a problem he said! We can totally make that... Ok, maybe he didn't say all that but I interpreted it that way :)
He actually even told me to come back with a photo of the table and he might want to buy one! Deal Mr. Home Depot!
So here's what I bought to make this bad boy come together...
-4 wooden legs
-Picture Frame
-Black spray paint
-Fabric (Pink of course!)
 I had already been using an office drawer organizer to help organize some of my jewelry... So I went ahead and spray painted it too while painting the table

We attached the legs to the plywood with the screws and then spray painted it.

After the spray paint was dry (let it dry for at least 8 hourse so your house doesnt smell like spray paint) we covered the plywood with the fabric, I used tacks to adhere the fabric to the wood.

We then glued the frame to the plywood & ta-dah we were done!

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