
Girls Night (w/ myself)

Ahhhh.... There's nothing I love more than being able to relax, eat what I want (and not care about a single calorie), give myself a mini makeover & get to watch a movie that I wouldn't be able to watch (in peace) on a Friday night!!! Here's what I've got going on till the hubby gets home. :)
 I think everyone should make time for themselves. Not only for your own sanity but for your marriage, relationship or just cause you said so! It's nice to do this once and a while cause it kind of rejuvenates you and helps you have some "me time" .... So this week take about an hour or two from your busy life and have a girls night with yourself!
By the way... If you haven't see the Adele Live DVD.... GO GET IT!!!!! I was crying at like 50% of her songs... and she's hysterical!

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