
Swap it out!

I know a lot of you out there make your New Year Resolution to either lose weight or get healthier. Well not everyone can just change there entire lives to drop lbs! Personally .. I live for my date nights & my Sunday morning mimosa brunches with my BFF's!  So I was thinking the other day... What are the worst things that I consume everyday? I would say for me it's breakfast.

I religiously get a Starbucks (and I never skimp on the whipped cream) & a doughnut from a bakery next door to Starbucks every single morning! That has to be about 800 calories (@ least) that i take in before I even read my first email at work!

and then I thought... how much weight do I think I could lose if I were to cut out my Starbuck's & my doughnut every morning?? Prolly a decent amount! So as of today I am going to replace my coffee & doughnut with oatmeal!

I'm also going to combine this with 30 mins of cardio @ the gym. This should do something for me! I plan to pop in & give ya'll updates on my progress & even give you some of my workout ideas  :)

I'm sure the first week I'll be a little anti about it but I think this will be a good trial for me! So think about what your worst meal or everyday splurge is and swap it out for some oatmeal. Try it for at least two weeks to see if you notice any difference. I'm sure you will!

Good luck & wish me luck (this is gonna be tough)

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