
Vacations, Outfits, Planning... Oh my!!

Hi guys!!! Sorry I've been so MIA! I've been on vacation. I went to Vegas & did a ski trip with a group of friends like two days after I got home from Vegas! It was all a blast but I'm happy to be home!

I had to post some of the stuff I've been coming across for some of my other vacations I've got planned this year! We already have 4 other trips planned out for this year and I like to get an idea of what style I'm going for while in each city.
The next trip that we have planned is San Diego! Were going to visit family & friends! Then next on the agenda is (and I'm SUPER excited about) New York in the spring for one of my BFF's Bachelorette Parlay, soon after NYC I'll be off to  Boston, and the biggest trip this year will be to Antigua!!!  Were going for two very important reasons... #1 to celebrate my our year wedding anniversary  & #2 to see our South Carolina friends!
(We met them when we were on our honeymoon)

Here's a sneak peak at some of the pieces I wore when we went to Vegas... I'll be posting those pics this weekend!



I thought this hat went perfect
with the skirt to the left!
I love the bright colored skirt!
So easy & pretty!
  In May were planning to make our way over to San Diego to celebrate my hubby's b-day and just have some fun! Every time I go to SD I feel like I'm way too dressed up so this time I'm going to come prepared and be a little more laid back. Here's what I have in mind...

San Diego:

So, for NYC I'll be going for my BF's bachelorette party! I know I'm going to need a couple going out dresses  and some chic stuff to wear during the day!




Love this!


When we went on our honeymoon to St. Lucia I remember admiring all the bright and colorful pieces that everyone was wearing at our resort! So, I knew that on this trip I wanted to wear a lot of bright and colorful things! 

High waisted everything
is so in right now!

Love the canvas & Neon together!

This could work as a cover up too!

I love the bright color w/ the white shorts!
Def one of my fav summer outfits!
You can't go to the beach without a
floppy hat!

I don't think you can ever go wrong w/ a
wedge in the summer! Love these!

I hope this gave some of you some inspiration to either book a trip somewhere fabulous or to get on the ball of figuring out what you need to start shopping for!

PS... Check back in for my Vegas outfits!


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