
Shop my closet!

Hi everyone! Sorry for not posting anything in the last week. I feel like I've been so busy but I'm not sure what I've been busy doing!

So, this last weekend I went through my closet and I've made a pile of items that I plan to sell to anyone interested in buy them! I'm going to be posting pictures of all the items I plan to sell on my "shop my closet". If you see something your dying to have you can follow the photo to my Ebay store where you can purchase the item!
I'm really excited to be getting rid of some of my clothes, shoes and accessories... so I can make room for new things!
My online closet will be updated monthly so you'll want to make sure you check back in once a week to see what items are new!

I'll be working on this project all week so please check back in with me later in the week to see how the project is going!


1 comment:

Natalie said...

I can't wait!!! I have been meaning to ask you to do this! :)